Luna Lapin and Chums
These pages are for Luna Lapin, her chums and other characters designed by Sarah Peel at Cool Crafting in Kendal. Currently there are four lovely books which contain lovely stories (written by daughter Grace) and patterns for most of the characters, with patterns for an extensive wardrobe of exquisite clothes that can be adapted and shared between the chums.
All the characters on this page have been made by me. Those made with felt are hand stitched using a blanket stitch for the seams. The festive friends are made with cotton fabric and are machine stitched. All the clothing is made by me mostly machine stitched then finished with hand stitching. Except for the lovely jumpers, these were hand knitted by a friend from a Cool Crafting pattern. Our banner images show the chums trying on their new jumpers... Click on any of the images to see a larger version.
There should be a HIGHLY ADDICTIVE warning on the CoolCrafting website... Once started it is very difficult not to make more than one character, and it is impossible not to make the lovely costumes. This can be done from one's own extensive stash, but Sarah Peel is a very clever woman who knows her market!. Every year she creates special surprise boxes containing superb fabric and haberdashery to make exceptional costumes and more characters... My cupboard of opportunities now has many items just waiting to reach the sewing table... Scroll down to see each of the Chums and their wardrobes...
In July 2024 I did a massive CoolCrafting inspired stitchathon to make a start on some of the boxes and kits that have been lurking in the cupboard. With two new chums and six outfits completed, here they all are dressed up and ready to go the Rabbitty Summer Ball:
All the Chums dressed in their finery ready to go to the Rabbitty Summer Ball |
Luna Lapin I and II:
My first foray into the world of Luna started when a friend said Book One was on special offer in The Works. Who could resist? There a quick click on the web and next thing I know a package from Cool Crafting with everything to make Luna arrived sometime during lockdown. However, she didn't want to come out of the cupboard too soon in case there were too many germs lurking.
She eventually reached the sewing table in January 2023, with the first of many Polka Dot style dresses. Then (as with the mousies...) the requests for making chums and new outfits quickly started...
Luna in her kilt and jumper |
Luna in her polka dot dress |
Luna II made a surprise appearance in June 2024. Her ears, foot pads and outfit are a lovely Tilda fabric which has been lurking in the stash for quite some while. Luna II was specially made for eldest gorgeous granddaughter Olivia who lives in London...
Luna II was very lucky to receive the gorgeous tartan skating dress and fabulous velvet coat with faux fur collar for her Christmas present. Olivia was over the moon when she aw the new outfit. Luna II is best friends with Foxy Loxy.
Luna II showing off |
Luna II with Luna and Foxy Loxy |
The new dress and shorts |
The tartan skating dress |
The beautiful velvet coat with faux fur trim |
Luna meets Jane Austen:
The special Jane Austen themed box from Luna's literary year (2023) has been lurking in the cupboard for a year. The contents comprise some very beautiful and delicate fabrics, so I really do not want to spoil these without a trial run first. Raiding the verrrrrry extensive stash I found an old shirt of mine, delicate pink and white stripes in a seersucker cotton. This will be perfect for the empire line gown and bonnet. I also wanted to make long drawers with pin tucks and lace trim as one of the undergarments (she also has a petticoat). A well laundered and now soft cotton pillow case is just perfect, and of course I have lots of lace purchased from the dolls house draper...
Searching the stash there was a scrap of lovely red velvet, just enough to make a Spence Jacket for her (lined with pink dupion silk of course).
Sarah Peel's designs are very well researched incorporating lots of authentic period detail such as puff sleeves, gathered bodice and a very high waist. All the costumes require careful cutting and concentration when sewing.
Luna and Lizzie inspect the fabric and pattern pieces |
The empire line frock |
Relaxing on the sofa |
The finished garments |
Clementine Pussycat:
Completed January 2023.
Dedicated to my very own special puss Miss Phoebe. She definitely wants to be the best dressed cat in town.
More beautiful costumes will arrive soon.
Proudly showing off her sailor collar dress |
Clementine showing off her fine tail |
July 2024 Miss Clementine said, "Could I have the Dreamy Dress please" (a make me again kit from CoolCrafting - design and fabric by Sarah Peel) which has been lurking in the cupboard for 18 months. It looked so simple, this won't take long, she deserves a special treat... a lined bodice with a gathered skirt made from tulle, no sleeves. Ha! First off being careful while adding the decorative velvet ribbon to the front of the bodice. Cutting the tulle, sorting into the correct order of colours, gathering six layers of tulle from 60 inches down to 13 inches.... then making sure it was the right way round for attaching to the bodice. It was a real trial to get the gathering to work until i found a very useful hint on FB, that suggested using dental floss with a very wide zigzag - who knew! The tulle was very carefully stitched into the bodice, very neatly sewn down. Then Horror of Horrors it's the wrong way round, the lighter tulle is on top rather than the darker tulle - Yes it really did make a difference to the look of the dress. Fortunately the bodice is reversible, except there wasn't enough ribbon to added another from decoration... Then me thinks this dreamy dress needs a Spencer jacket - where is that lovely blue crushed velvet?.. Anyway I love it, and Clemmie looks gorgeous. Is that another fettled finish? Yay more Hurrah's, Jigs and much waving of PomPoms, and One more fettling point for this month. And while we had the velvet box out of the cupboard there was enough gorgeous red velvet in the box, so Luna got a Spencer Jacket as well to complete her outfit.. Then she says, "Oh by the way Erik will need a suit so he can take me to the ball..."
THe Dreamy Dress |
The Blue Velvet Spencer Jacket |
Posing as only a pussycat can |
Posing as only a pussycat can |
Cowboy Cat... My younger step daughter said, "Oh could I have a black cat please?, and could he be dressed as a cowboy?". He is based on Sarah Peel's Clemintine Cat pattern from CoolCrafting. My black felt seemed to be a little bit 'thin' so I used iron-on light weight vilene as a stabiliser. I had forgotten how tricky the head and ears are to stitch, and they are even more tricky when everything is completely black! The nose was also tricky and took several attempts to get correct. Eventually I used a piece of the dark pleather to give a bit of texture and contrast on his face. The outfit comprises jeans and a spotty shirt, a pleather waistcoat (all adapted from 'Alfie's' patterns). I made a belt, neckerchief, lassoo and a Stetson to complete the outfit. It took three attempts to make a Stetson that looked reasonable good. How big is that cat's head???, then realising iron-on pelmet vilene instead of bonda-web for the stiffening on the crown and rim would be a good idea. Eventually I am happy with it (hubby's Tilly hat was a very handy a guide for the shape). Phew! Cowboy Cat is ready for a certain small grandson's extra Christmas present.
| |
Cowboy cat with Mr Paxton Cat |
Half dressed |
In full outfit |
The stetson |
That troublesome nose |
Trying to stitch the head!!! |
Erik the Polar Bear:
Completed January 2023. A very special bear, with a definite style of his own. The beloved husband of Clementine Cat.
He is patiently waiting for his full Svarlbardian duffle coat and kit.
Erik falls in love with Clementine |
At last The Svarlbardian patterns and fabrics have come out of the cupboard
Erik's new duffle coat |
With waistcoat and scarf |
the ensemble |
the ensemble |
ready for inclement weather |
However My Hubbykins said "But Erik needs a Black Tie outfit so he can take Clemmie to the Ball with all the others" ... So off I go to the boxes of stash to see what I have got. Oh Yes, some suitable black fabric and black ribbon for the suit, some cream silk for his shirt, some flambouyant silk scraps for the waistcoat and bow tie. Well why not! Cut, Cut, Cut, Sew, Sew, Sew,... and here he is: The Jacket and waistcoat are adapted from the CoolCrafting patterns in the Jane Austen box, the shirt and trousers from Alfie's wardrobe patterns.
The Jacket |
Silk shirt, Waistcoat and Trews with matching Bow Tie. |
The full kit |
Close up |
with his beloved Clementine |
Freddie the Badger:
Completed March 2023, Freddie a.k.a. Humbug because of his stripes... He's not grumpy at all, it's just all those early mornings required of a gentleman farmer... When properly dressed he is very dapper in his gorgeous waistcoat and trews. Luna was so pleased when Freddie arrived so she didn't have to play gooseberry to Erik and Clemmie...
Freddie does like a bit of flamboyant Liberty fabric for his waistcoats.
In 2024 Freddie acquired a tailcoat to match his corduroy outfit. This was a practise for the Jane Austen tailcoat fabric destined for Alfie.
Freddie all ready for his outfit |
Every gentleman farmer should have corduroy trews with flamboyant waistcoat |
All the chums together 2023 |
The Baby Bunnies:
Completed September 2023. Four of them were originally made, two found their way to a special friend, and the others are now waiting for some little friends and clothes...
November 2024 an extra project managed to push it's way forward onto the sewing table. There are moments like this, when a very large stash cupboard comes into its own! Why it's ten baby bunnies. Two were stitched earlier last year, so eight more needed in time for Sssshhhh you know what but with only a week to go before the end of the month the only way to do this was be methodical. Cut them all out, stitch all the bob-tails on, get those ears in place, then stitch all the heads, then all the arms, all the bodies, ready for stuffing and final construction.
Miss Lizzie Mouse with the two older baby bunnies kept a careful watch to make sure all the pieces were stitched properly. Arrrrhhhhh I don't have enough tiny buttons for the eyes. Quick some on-line shopping... Holding breath, will they, won't they arrive before the end of the week???? No they didn't. Off to Boyes for a back up purchase. Oh no! No tiny buttons, but they did have tiny dolls eyes. Quick upick five heads, insert safety eyes, sew up heads, stuff heads, attach bodies and arms. Phew! all done by 28th November. And everyone in the sewing room does a very merry dance, with jigs and much waving of pom poms as we manage another tick on the list of things to be done in time for Sssshhhh you know what.
Batch preparation & stitching |
Miss Lizzie ensures all is correct |
First five complete |
New eyes and five more complete |
10 little bunnies ready for ChrissyMouse |
Festive Friends:
Completed December 2023 - Merry Angel, Florin Longfoot, and Pere Hiver.
A very quick turn around for these three lovely characters. They certainly made a splash at the family Christmas get-together. However, Merry Angel found her way to London in January 2024 as a certain small person fell in love with her. Now she wants a new outfit... and I need a new Merry Angel.
It was October 2024 by the time I was reminded that I had also promised a new outfit for the London Merry Angel... Evie the middle gorgeous granddaughter with small snaffling hands, chose the fabric for a pretty blue dress with matching shorts and a headband (rouleaux are sooooo fiddly!) but the outfit is very cute ...
And now I need another Festive Friend as I 'borrowed' Florin's body to model the blue dress and that too has gone to London with said grandchild. Oh well, A granny's work is never done...
Having lost two of the friends to a certain small person, they had to be replaced in time for everyone arriving for the 2024 Festive season. Fortunately Florin's costume was safe. But Merry's costume had to be replaced. I had such fun making Merry Angel's new frock. I rather got carried away with sparkly braid and fur... And, of course, she must have matching pantaloons, and snow boots (oops! got carried away with fur and sparkly braid again!), and this time she has her wings. I think she is rather gorgeous, but I have been warned she might be too tempting for that certain pair of small snaffling hands...
Merry Angel v2 |
Merry Angel with her wings |
A fine pair of wings from the back |
Such a show-off with those pantaloons and snow boots |
The wings |
Foxy Loxy I & II & III:
Completed May 2024. Foxy Loxy is dressed in a vintage Tana Lawn fabric. The is the full version of the Polka Dot pattern dress, with collar and patch pockets. She has matching shorts. Foxy's ears, foot pads and the collar of her dress are a matching cotton print. She is all ready to go to London for the youngest gorgeous granddaughter. Luna needs to make sure Foxy is ready to leave home with Luna II..
Foxy Loxy was very luck to receive a new outfit fro Christmas 2024. Here she is modelling the Twirling dress in Gold Satin, with a fully lined Red Velvet Cape. Imogen loves her...
Foxy Loxy and Luna II ready for their travels |
Foxy Loxy finished and dressed |
Foxy Loxy in her new twirling dress and red velvet cape |
My sister-in-law was so taken with Foxy Loxy I, she commissioned me to make her a fox dressed as Master of the Hounds....
Foxy II was stitched while on holiday in Sicily. Then back home the start of making the outfit. First the pleather knee high boots (pattern from the Austen set). They were sooooo fiddly with many strong words being muttered and took two attempts to get them somewhere near usable... Then a proper sort out of pattern pieces from various CoolCrafting books and cutting out so I could have a clear run at making the clothes. Whoooohoooo! Mr Fox has a lawn tunic (Hamish's Thespian Tunic), that was nice and easy, and next the jodhpur style breeches (adapted from Alfie's Jeans), another quick sew. The yellow waistcoat (another of Alfie's patterns) was next, and finally the red tail coat (adapted from the Jane Austen set) which took quite a bit of time to do. The waistcoat and tailcoat are fully lined, and with proper buttonholes, so look extra special. I'm really pleased he is finished and I think Mr Reynard Foxy looks verrrrry spiffing. I thought I was done when Mr Hubbykins said "Shouldn't he have a top hat?" arrrrhhhhh How do I make one of those???? Cardboard circles and a tube covered with felt of course!!
My sister-in-law also wanted a lady fox as companion to Reynard. In January 2025, Victoria Vixen was completed, as a surprise birthday present. Her outfit comprises the Twirling dress in a delicate rose and floral fabric trimmed with lace at the hem, she has matching shorts in the same fabric. She has a scarlet velvet Opera Coat (from Freya's wardrobe), lined with the same floral fabric and trimed with lace at the hem. The outfit is completed with a pair of scarlet felt shoes. I am quite a convert to making proper buttonholes on coats and jackets now, and have used them on the shoulder tabs of the twirling dress.
Reynard was completed in October 2024. Here he is in his Master of the hounds outfit, followed by Victoria Vixen in her stunning evening outfit.:
Having a quiet sit down.... |
with the Hat! |
Almost complete |
From the back |
Front of the red tailcoat |
with his yellow waistcoat |
Mr Foxy in his jodhpurs and knee high boots |
Mr Foxy in his Tunic |
Pattern pieces for clothing sorted and cut out |
Mr Foxy waiting for his outfit |
The complete outfit |
The lined opera coat in gorgeous red velvet |
Showing off her twirling dress and little red shoes |
The opera coat buttoned up ready for the outing |
Mr Foxy & Victoria Vixen together |
Wilhelmina Woodmouse:
It's Wilhelmina's turn at long last. July 2024, and it's time to get the Jane Austen inspired box from Luna's Literary Year out of the cupboard. for The Outfit, Having practiced on Luna, I have to do it, just get on with it... Cut into those lovely fabrics, what can go wrong? Don't let the spacing on the box pleats defeat you!, you can do the gathering on the bodice, you won't stitch the sleeve on the wrong side of the armhole... I leave it to your imagination to guess how times I tried with the pleating, and if I did have to unpick the sleeve...
... Well we got there in the end, and I'm very pleased with the outcome. I think I've got the hang of these puff sleeves and collars now.
Wilhelmina patiently waiting |
waiting for her outfit |
The Spencer Jacket |
THE Gown |
Posing with Alfie D'Arcy Lapin |
Alfie Lapin the Grey Rabbit:
Alfie's Regency Outfit comprises: Breeches, Boots, Shirt, Waistcoat, Cravat and Tailcoat. There was a lot of tricky stitching for this outfit, and most items needed special adjustment to get a better fit for Alfie. I even forced myself to pour a glass of wine then watch 'Death Comes to Pemberly' again - just to get an idea of now the costumes should look, and not because I am an Austen addict... I am really pleased with the finished outfit, and a little bit in love with Alfie. The boots were really difficult to get a good fit and took two attempts to make them look reasonable, and all those tiny buttons on the breeches and waistcoat. The original pattern suggested using French knots but I thought they were not good enough for such a lovely outfit, and I already had the tiny buttons in my stash... BUT why do chaps have buttons on the opposite sides to ladies, and WHY did I keep forgetting and have to do them again, and again..
Alfie Lapin patiently waiting |
the complete ensemble |
detail of the breeches & shirt |
detail of the waistcoat |
the complete ensemble |
More characters are hiding in the cupboard of opportunity:
Hamish the Highlander:
Ziggy the Hedgehog:
Freya the Fawn:
The Mousels (the Dickens Box):
Titania & Bottom (the Shakespeare Box):
The Dutch Rabbits (Ten year Anniversary Box):
Many more individual Outfits:
Hamish the Highlander, Ziggy the Hedgehog, Freya the Fawn, The Mousels (Dickens Box), Titania & Bottom (from the Shakespeare Set),The Dutch rabbits (from the 10th Anniversary box). There are also more requests from my family to make characters and outfits for them....
Lots more chums and outfits to follow in 2025.